Halton County Radial Railway

October 18, 2014 The weather was a little cool with occasional drizzle but that didn’t really hamper the outing. Smooth talking Jeff Brown got one of the staff to let us into the area where the volunteers refurbish the various rolling stock they have. Bill Thompson enjoyed the ride on the old streetcar and wanted … [Read more…]

Missed the shot

This morning as I was taking my dogs for a walk, I spotted a beautiful scene with colours that made me say wow.  I decided to take the shot but by the time I was in position it was gone. That was 30 seconds max. I took the picture anyway. Those trees in the background … [Read more…]

Scavenger Hunt Oct 4, 2014

Uh Oh I thought to myself as I saw the cruiser at the side of the road. The first rule for the hunt was no speeding and you were responsible for your own tickets. Turns out I wasn’t really speeding as I was in a 60 zone and hadn’t really looked at my speedometer. That … [Read more…]

Hawk Cliff Outing

We would like to take this opportunity to thank Richard and Sharon Skevington for awonderful outing yesterday to Hawke’s Cliff to photography the raptors and butterflies. It was great to see so many people come out from our Club and from the Field Naturalist’s Club. Although we didn’t see a lot of raptors, there was … [Read more…]

Jeff Brown’s Flowers

In the Spring the camera club took a couple of trips to capture the magic of flowers. Jeff Brown shared some of his shots.

Our First Executive Meeting

Tonight we had our first executive meeting. It was great.  We accomplished a lot, Had a good exchange of ideas, changed some opinions (mine), and came up with some new ideas. We elected Linda Feick as President and Jeff Brown as Contest Chair.  That was a great accomplishment as willing members have been as scarce … [Read more…]

We Now Have a You Tube Account

Jeff Brown created a You Tube Account for the club so that our members can add their own videos and we can link to their account. Jeff added a slide show on our Stratford Challenge. There is a lot to photograph in that community. See it here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fzkt7cdymG4&list=PLPaamP7kUgFvUfkVlEwe-74jF2zC1tGdH&index=1 BoB

We went to the Zoo

We went to the Zoo On May 10 and the weather was just right, Not too hot and not too sunny allowing some of us to get some excellent shots. Here is a video of Jeff Brown’s work.  I had to resize the video to get it on the site but if you want to … [Read more…]