Re: Nov 1st meeting

Great night of photography at the meeting last night. My thanks goes out to Jeff Brown for bringing his photo stacking equipment, John Novak and Ken and Sue Olmsted for bringing their light tents and items to photograph and Frank Calic for bringing his portrait studio. I think everyone had a good time learning new … [Read more…]

Oct 18th Meeting

What an excellent presentation at last nights meeting with Russ Salaman! His talk on low light and commercial photography was very informative and his hands on approach produced some amazing images. Thank you Russ for a truly enlightening evening! Linda Feick

Oct 4th Meeting

We had an enjoyable evening with Guest Speaker: Paul Brewer. He showed us some excellent slides of wildlife with interesting stories to support them. He also gave us information on how to takes similar shots. Lots of time and patience are key. Knowing the habits of the creatures you are trying to capture also plays … [Read more…]

6 Sept 17

We held our first meeting of the club year earlier this evening. Everybody seemed to have a good time. The program was casual information about where we are going from here. Some went upstairs to Ode’s after the meeting and it was fun and loud. Everyone was active talking about photography. A good time.

WCC Charity BBQ

On Saturday the 19th of August the club executive, Dave Feick and the onion man – Jerry Cornell put on a BBQ at Carman’s foto source Open House. Carman’s held an Open House and Photographic Art show as a customer appreciation day. The club was invited to hold a BBQ to raise money and we … [Read more…]

Program Planning is Underway

Our first program planning meeting was held on the 5th of July and is now well underway. Linda has a number of speakers lined up and the planners worked on developing a program with a wide interest for our members. Our first meeting of the 17-18 year will be on the 6th of September.

Contest Categories for 2017-2018

I found the list I wrote down at the Gala: Contest 1: Forest Floor Open Contest 2: Unusual Angles Open Contest 3: Old Paint / Rust Open Now you know, it’s time to get out and take some photos.