Some ideas from this evening – April 16

Stitch photos into a panorama PTGui Learn about Micro 4/3’s cameras Photomatix HDR software Soft-proof images in Lightroom   Page 140 of the manual: Those are the ones I remember. BoB

Faststone Image Viewer

The software I was using to display the last couple of pictures last evening was Faststone Image Viewer from I learned about it at a SWOPA meeting and I like the way it displays pictures. Last night was the first time I had played with the editing tools. For some quick maybe more extensive … [Read more…]

Posting Your Pictures on the WEB

There are numerous ways to post pictures on the web. The first question to ask yourself is “what am I trying to accomplish?” If you are just sharing with family and friends: And are not too concerned about ownership you can post your pictures on a social media site like Facebook, Twitter, Google+ or Pinterest. … [Read more…]

Composition & Lens Selection

John Novak, one of our members, made a presentation last Wednesday on Lenses and their contribution to the composition of a picture.  He suggested we learn how different lenses affect of photos.  For example, the telephoto lens appears to compress the distance between objects due to the perspective from the more distant location. For a … [Read more…]